Process EDI documents between YU and Shandex 997 Functional acknowledgment Tell Shandex we received an EDI 944 Stock transfer receipt Receive qty and lots from replenishment shipment 947 Inventory advice Tell Stash of Q and R status inventory 846 Inventory inquiry Inventory comparison 867 Resale report Tell Stash qty, price, and lot sold 943 Stock transfer Tell Shandex qty and lots being shipped master_controller takes EDI files from the Shandex FTP, processes them, and loads our EDI files. Individual edi_***.py files process specific types of transactions. Sales come in via 867 and the shandex_dashboard script stores which files have been received. The corresponding control numbers can be matched to X3 Sales Deliveries in the YLICPLATE_0 and YCLIPPERSHIP_0 fields. ------------------- Issues ------------------- 867s will fail to process if a customer has not been mapped for them in the file. These problems are logged in the staging database in staging.dbo.shandex_shipments. To reprocess, add the customer code to the table and check it's is_sent field. Make sure to add the right code to the dictionary in 867 processing as well. 944s need to be rerun in the script after validation, so that lots appear in the import file.